So I’m heading out on my first real trip here in Oz. We are going to the Whit Sundays and I can’t wait.
Ill be spending the week on a sailboat and scuba diving the Great Barrier Reef.
Ill let you know how it goes, but I’m mostly just excited about getting out of Surfers.
Talk to you in a week!
Saturday, March 26, 2005
Nick and Julia
Monday, March 21, 2005
I found this on the internet. Is it me or does that look like Taiwan? Taiwanise cops, scooters, street and...bird?
Seems like a typical day for a cop in Taiwan.
Seems like a typical day for a cop in Taiwan.
Sunday, March 20, 2005
Lifesaving Competitions
Katie and Julia in the master bathroom
Yep, im standing in the room taking the picture. The whole apartment is designed so you can see the view from anyroom. The whole place is glass.
Saturday, March 19, 2005
Our new pet
This crow comes to say hello to us everyday. I swear we are going to come home one day and find him IN our apartment hanging out. If you cant tell he's HUGE!
Friday, March 18, 2005
Yep 5 am!
So I started my teaching this week and yep...I got the school where you have to get up at 5 am, to catch the bus at 6 am, to drive an hour to get to school. But at least I get to see some amazing sun rises!
It’s a nice little school in Tweed heads about 45 minutes away over the boarder into New South Wales!
I am teaching in a grade one class, its nice and the kids are fun, but I can tell already I have one little boy that is going to be my buddy the whole time I’m there. Ky. He seems special, like ADD kind of special. A nice little challenge for me I guess!
My teacher is pretty nice, she's been teaching a long time so it will be good to learn from her. The school is really laid back, you should have seen all us city kids coming in on the first day. High heels, skirts, blouses etc, I mean we all looked dressed to the nines, then we met the staff in their surf clothes, shorts, t-shits and runners...I mean this is my kind of teaching gear!
For the next month we go into the school only on Thursdays and then after exams we do 4 weeks straight. That should be interesting. Ill be asleep by 7pm every night!
Lots of homework to get done this weekend, Easter break is coming up and then all our projects are due. And I don’t want to be doing any of the work on our sailing trip around the Whit Sunday Islands.
Thursday, March 10, 2005
School and Sleep
Trying to write a paper and get up for the morning classes is starting to get to me. I’m so tired I'm going to bed at 9 pm tonight. I’m such a party animal.
We have a paper (2500 words and at least 20 references) due on Monday and everyone is freaking out about it. Imp pretty calm about the whole thing because im so tired I don’t really care.
This program has lost its luster and is finally showing itself to be the evil time eater it is.
Although I am having fun on the side planning my trip to the Whitsunday Islands and I joined the scuba diving club where we are going on a dive trip to Vanawatu (Where Survivor was filmed!) Plus we do day dives in the area and there is a trip planned to Brisbane for a couple of days and 8 dives. It’s going to be a crazy diving trip. But right now its amazing animal season and I've been told that Ill see a shark!
Tomorrow I find out where I will be doing my first practical teaching placement. God I just hope its close to here because if its not I have to take a bus at 5 am to make it to school on time...can you imagine?
We have a paper (2500 words and at least 20 references) due on Monday and everyone is freaking out about it. Imp pretty calm about the whole thing because im so tired I don’t really care.
This program has lost its luster and is finally showing itself to be the evil time eater it is.
Although I am having fun on the side planning my trip to the Whitsunday Islands and I joined the scuba diving club where we are going on a dive trip to Vanawatu (Where Survivor was filmed!) Plus we do day dives in the area and there is a trip planned to Brisbane for a couple of days and 8 dives. It’s going to be a crazy diving trip. But right now its amazing animal season and I've been told that Ill see a shark!
Tomorrow I find out where I will be doing my first practical teaching placement. God I just hope its close to here because if its not I have to take a bus at 5 am to make it to school on time...can you imagine?
Wednesday, March 09, 2005
Fire Alarm?

Yep a fire alarm went off around 10 pm and we only heard it because our door was open. It was on another floor. So the fire trucks came and we took pictures not knowing if there really was a fire or if it was a false alarm. Although our buliding had fire alarms going off 2 or 3 times that week so we took a good guess that it was a false one.
The Sarahs
Wednesday, March 02, 2005
Australian slang that Ive actually heard!
Ace! : Excellent! Very good!
Arvo : afternoon
Amber fluid : beer
Aussie : Australian
Beaut, beauty :great, fantastic
Big Mobs : loads, a lot of
Bloody : very
Dodgy :poor quality
Bull dust : rubbish
Cactus : dead, broken
Click :kilometre - "it's 20 clicks away"
Come good :turn out ok
Cost big bikkies :expensive
Cut snake :(mad as a)very angry
Deadset :true / the truth
Docket :a bill, receipt
Doco :documentary
Exy :expensive
Fair go :a chance / break
G'Day :hello!
Give it away :give up
Going off :good fun
Good oil :useful information, a good idea, the truth
Good on ya :well done
Grouse :great, terrific
Heaps :a lot
Have a go : give it a try
Iffy :dodgy
It's gone walkabout :it's lost, can't be found
Kick the bucket :to die
Knock back :refuse
Mate's rate :cheaper than usual for a friend
Mate's discount :cheaper than usual for a friend
No worries! :no problem / its okay
Pig's arse! :I don't agree
Quid, make a :earn a living
Rack off :get lost! get out of here!
Reckon! :for sure
Right :okay
Ripper :Great
Rooted :ruined, broken
She'll be apples :It'll be alright
She'll be right :it'll be okay
Stoked :very pleased
Too right :definitely
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