Saturday, April 21, 2007

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Dog Days

So I’m home alone with 2 crazy dogs. Every little noise they think their owners are home so its a whole production at the door with toys and socks or whatever is lying around in their mouths howling. I’m telling you, it’s been 3 in the morning and they do it. I’m woken up at least 4 times a night.....and you fully know I love every second of it.
Its soooooooooooo nice to live on my own, even if it’s just for a week.
It's totally making me want to move out and get my stagnant life moving, however being stuck with no cash is a huge draw back.
At least Ill enjoy the days now, while I can.

Friday, April 06, 2007

It's been a long week.

After a week of teaching puberty, dealing with stealing in the classroom and tons of 'talks' I could really use a weekend off but nooooooo, Now I'm sick. A big bad sinus cold has attacked me and Ive now been in my bed for close to 15 hours. I hate being sick, i turn into such a now you know the exciting news of me...See what you're missing!

Sunday, April 01, 2007

hmmm, not sure

Your Birthdate: July 10

Independent and dominant, you tend to be the alpha dog in most situations.
You're very confident, and hardly anything ever shakes you.
Mundane tasks tend to drain you - you prefer to be making great plans.
You are quite original. When people don't "get" you, it bothers you a lot.

Your strength: Your ability to gain respect

Your weakness: Caring too much what others think

Your power color: Orange-red

Your power symbol: Letter X

Your power month: October