Sunday, June 01, 2008

What if?

'What if' is a question that we ask ourselves when we don't know what else to do.
It can open our eyes or it can lead us into following the fantasy of what could have been.
It's a hard question to avoid.
When things aren't going the way we thought they would or should, out of nowhere the 'what if' sneaks up and smacks us straight in the face.
What if.
So many possibilities laying in those two little words. So many directions our lives could have taken. Maybe we chose the wrong door, maybe we should have done or said so many other things. There's no way to measure or to be sure that the right decision was made other than to know that we feel settled, secure, content. Yet there it is... the 'what if'
Even when we think we have all the answers, and the path is clear, laid out before us, in darkness the 'what if' is waiting.
Is it something we will learn to shake, to live with, to avoid. Or are we stuck facing these doubts for the rest of our lives?
What if.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

A great quote

I heard a great quote the other day.

"Life is an occasion....rise to it"

Monday, April 14, 2008

Spring update

Okay okay, so I haven't written on here in a long time and to tell you the truth I don't know who still checks it. But I guess I will write to the invisible audience out there who are actually interested in my life, for some unknown reason.

Well as of now I got a new contract and I'm teaching grade 3. It's a big change from my grade 5 class that I miss terribly! However I have to give it to this grade 3 class...they are a great 2nd place class. The school is much further away and I have been shoved head first into becoming a commuter, which I am not fond of. Although I do like the 'quiet time' in the morning drinking my Tims on the way while singing to myself. It puts a nice spin on the fact that I have to leave my house almost an hour earlier than I did before!

Otherwise life is peachy. Nothing special going on, not much has changed. Just happy to see the sun again and to get some fresh air.
The Toronto summer plans are in the works and I'm ready for a great adventure this summer....anyone have any ideas?

Monday, February 18, 2008

Risk, it isn't just a game.

"To live without risk is to risk not living."

Worth remembering dont you think? You know, I always thought I had a soundtrack running for my life. Like in the movies, music plays while I walk down the street or depending how I feel, or when Im singing in my car the song goes into stereo for those around me. Once in a while I would like these little quotes to get thrown in there, somewhere. Just as a reminder to not be so scared of the risk. I mean, I have nothing to lose other than not making my bill payments on time. So why worry right? Right. Now I just have to keep telling myself that!

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Creating... nadda

Okay so my life as I create it has been going at a full stop lately. Now I'm feeling back on track and thinking too many crazy thoughts about what I can do in the future. I've been still for far too long now. I need to figureso many things out; money, job and life. Which I know is a huge task, but it's time I take it on head first. I'm flirting with so many ideas right now. Some being big changes, but it all matters on what may happen in September. If I get full time then I may just keep chipping away here. If not...maybe I'll try somewhere else. I don't know. It's all just ideas right now. What I do know is something needs to give, and my life is going to come back into the limelight. Maybe I'm not cut out for settling down and getting things right? Maybe I'm suppost to be on the move, meeting new people never staying anywhere long enough to get attached. And maybe, just maybe Im so full of it I dont even know when I'm talking nonesense. Who knows? But there's been a fire lit and Im going to do something about it.