Sunday, June 01, 2008

What if?

'What if' is a question that we ask ourselves when we don't know what else to do.
It can open our eyes or it can lead us into following the fantasy of what could have been.
It's a hard question to avoid.
When things aren't going the way we thought they would or should, out of nowhere the 'what if' sneaks up and smacks us straight in the face.
What if.
So many possibilities laying in those two little words. So many directions our lives could have taken. Maybe we chose the wrong door, maybe we should have done or said so many other things. There's no way to measure or to be sure that the right decision was made other than to know that we feel settled, secure, content. Yet there it is... the 'what if'
Even when we think we have all the answers, and the path is clear, laid out before us, in darkness the 'what if' is waiting.
Is it something we will learn to shake, to live with, to avoid. Or are we stuck facing these doubts for the rest of our lives?
What if.