Monday, April 14, 2008

Spring update

Okay okay, so I haven't written on here in a long time and to tell you the truth I don't know who still checks it. But I guess I will write to the invisible audience out there who are actually interested in my life, for some unknown reason.

Well as of now I got a new contract and I'm teaching grade 3. It's a big change from my grade 5 class that I miss terribly! However I have to give it to this grade 3 class...they are a great 2nd place class. The school is much further away and I have been shoved head first into becoming a commuter, which I am not fond of. Although I do like the 'quiet time' in the morning drinking my Tims on the way while singing to myself. It puts a nice spin on the fact that I have to leave my house almost an hour earlier than I did before!

Otherwise life is peachy. Nothing special going on, not much has changed. Just happy to see the sun again and to get some fresh air.
The Toronto summer plans are in the works and I'm ready for a great adventure this summer....anyone have any ideas?