Friday, July 28, 2006

Got it!

I got the job. I’ll be working reception at Good Life Gym. Free gym membership, hot guys, and no responsibilities, sounds like the perfect job doesn’t it? I’m really only excited about the free membership perk and the fact that this unimportant job is going to be fun and easy. They wanted me to take a sales position and then move up through management (god knows why) But I turned them down and said I really only wanted reception where I could greet people and take it easy and the two managers that interviewed me were fine with it. I think they were just excited that I wasn’t 16 and I had a ton of experience, both work and life. They even gave me $1.00 raise before I even started. Tuesday is my start date - training day really, so after that I’ll have an idea of what I’ve really gotten myself into.

So this is my last weekend of freedom I’m sure, I'm hanging in TO and my flat mate from oz is coming up to visit. Then on Sunday I'm going to hit the Beaches Jazz festival with Ken and some friends. Last night I went to a charity art auction and then had drinks at the Drake hotel. The Drake is definitely a cool place, I didn’t see anyone famous but it was fun people watching anyway. This is going to be a weekend of Toronto fun, just the way I like it!

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Janet's Babes

Janet is due in about 2 weeks. Still waiting to know if its a boy or a girl, but whatever it ends up being its a fun thought to know another Janet will be in this world!

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Life as I know it!

Phew, a lot has been going on for a girl like me, with no job and living with the folks.

Life is picking up pace and I’m happy to be running in it. I have a job interview on Monday with Good life. Can you believe it? Me, working at a gym? I’m mostly happy about the free membership perk. Hey, Ill even work for free if I get a membership. It’s worth the cost of the dame thing. So I'm guessing I’m going to be super hot and majorly in shape come Sept when my new life starts *grin*

So I hope this job pans out, not that I can offer them many hours or anything but hey who could resist me? Besides if my hours wont work for them I have another job I’m going for at a clothing store (50% off for employees would really help with my new teacher wardrobe that I have to buy!)

And, I have a lead on a fab apt in High Park, although I think the landlord is a real jerk (only joking Tommy boy) so maybe that would work out and my life would be happy and fun again. Plus, I’m trying to get a good deal on a car.

So lets see if I can sum up this weeks events for you……

1. Job interview at gym to get great new in-shape hot bod (oh, and make a little cash)

2. Possible apt in the west end - which I love - with my best bud

3. I got a NEW phone for $58, to buy it at a store is $250, thank you weird guy in Waterloo! He wanted $120 for it but I got it for $60, however I only had $58 on me so he took that! What a bargain - we just have to unlock it so I can put in a sim card and get it working

4. I need to get my new car sorted so I can actually make it to the west end!

So nothing has happened yet, but I have a major drive to make some cash now so I can move out, and get the car, and pay for the new phone!
All I need now is a job for September teaching with a huge salary and ill be happy as a peach. Everyone cross your fingers for me!

Monday, July 10, 2006

They say its my birthday

Well it's happened. 29 years old and living at the parent's house. One year to go before I shrivel up and die as a spinster.
It’s strange being home for my birthday this year. When you’re living away from home birthdays and such feel like such a big deal. Then when you are home, they, well they aren’t as important.
I miss the parties being thrown for me, and tons of people coming to them who are just happy to have an excuse to party.
Ah well, Happy Birthday to me. Spinsterhood here I come!

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Circus Time

Colleen, Eddie and I went to check out the Shrine Circus on Canada day. It was fun minus all the sacry old man clowns. i dont know when or where I developed a fear of clowns but my heart starts to race and I jump a foot in the air if they come near me or Lord help me they TALK to me. So besides me hiding behind Eddie all night I had fun. Something a little different to do when your stuck in the 'Sauga.