Friday, January 27, 2006

Is it Karma or what?

Oh Yah, so I had a great weekend and its only Saturday!

Friday night Karen and I went out for dinner to this great Tapas place. Then as we were trying to walk to the bar and we got turned around, we’re still learning our way around, and as we were walking one way I was looking another way and oops, I bit it. I tripped on a crack in the road and went flying into the sidewalk. I landed hard on my knee and my hand to protect my face from hitting the ground. And guess what….yep I knew it right away too. I broke my arm!

I am now sitting here after a day at the doctors and many x-rays later in a sling. For about a ½ hour the doc thought I might need surgery on it because I have fractured my elbow joint, which can cause big problems. But lucky me seems to only have a clean fracture so I’m just looking at wearing a tenser bandage and sling for the next few months and many more months of physio. Can you believe this? I start teaching in less than a week and I cant write on the board, or lift anything heavy at all, I can barley feed myself. I don’t even know how I’m going to go to the gym. Pretty much all the reasons why I came here, just got 500% harder, or I’m unable to do them at all. I can’t even drive my car!

This sucks, Big time, and the worst thing is I don’t even have a good story for it. I wasn’t even drunk! I was just walking. But I guess I wouldn’t be me if I had some awesome story and I didn’t just fall over! That’s why you love me!

Sunday, January 22, 2006

This weekend

Christchurch has been fun this weekend. We've gone to see the World Buskers Festival that is playing all throughout the city.
Today we sat in central square and saw these very cool street performers and tonight we are heading to a pub to see some other acts.
Check out the LINK to see what its all about.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Baby Jane

These are some new pictures of Erin's baby. They're all doing really well and enjoying all my presents Im sure!


Isnt she sooooo cute? I cant wait to meet her!

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Yah Right!

So a good friend of mine, you know those friends that you chat with and you are each others talk through person...well she said today to me that she missed my "sound mind advice" made me laugh out loud thats for sure. Yah right, cause I can give sound advice for everyone else's life but my own! ha h. At least I've done a couple of things right in my regrets there. But man...sound mind advice? Makes me feel like I've chosen the wrong profession...what do ya think Dr. Downes?
ha ha yah right!!!

Monday, January 16, 2006

UV Forecast

Summer is slowly arriving, in between rainy cold days we have these beautiful days, like today. Sunny and a high of 28. But this, this is something only NZ offers. The UV Index today is 11! Meaning EXTREME UV. I got a sunburn the other day from being out for only 20 minutes. The sun here is STRONG. I've got to learn to put that sunscreen on whenever I go outside!


The Emancipation Of Mimi By Mariah Carey album of the year?????
All I have to say about this is, Good Lord!
Gross, what the hell is wrong with people?

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Pay It Forward

We've all seen the movie, I just happened to watch it again today and it got me thinking. For such a simple concept, why do we not do it? I mean how easy could it be to just do something nice for another person, a stranger, once a day or even once a week? The idea of pay it forward is that you do something for someone something they couldn't do for themselves, to be a bit more than just a nice gesture however these nice little gestures could work too. Imagine the changes that would happen. Just something to think about...

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

The Little White Art Show

The Little White Art Show
Originally uploaded by Sala.

Well look at this, one of my girls is going to be famous! Mary-Colleen (from London Ont) is having her first solo exhibition in England. She is living there after completing her Masters in fine arts and is trying to establish herself as an artist. She also has a big article written about her in the local paper. How amazing, what some people are able to accomplish, man and its even one of my friends! Good luck with it all M I wish I could see it, but I guess Ill just have to wait for the Art gallery tour.

Hit the link to see the news paper article.

Norwich Arts Centre

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Coco's Wedding in Taiwan

The girls from work
Originally uploaded by Sala.

These are the girls that worked at Juila English School

Coco and Shirley

Coco and Shirley
Originally uploaded by Sala.

My friend in Taiwan, Coco, got married this year. I was sent some photos of the day and a bunch of my friends from Julia school are in them. Enjoy the Chinese wedding pictures. BTW Coco you looked beautiful I wish I could have been there!

Coco's Wedding

Originally uploaded by Sala.

Coco (with the curly hair) and Shirley two of my closest Chinese friends

Friday, January 06, 2006

Good friends, that's what they're there for...

I had a nice little msn chat with a good friend of mine this week.
He made me remember quite a few things that I had forgotten, or let go of, or not believed in, for the last little while in my life.
Thanks for the perspective, sometimes you just need the reminder that someone out there remembers who you truly are, and that they want you to be happy, beyond happy, with your life and everything in it and to be reminded that you are worth it; all of it.
He gave me a quote that I’ve thought about for the last few days, and yes sir, I like it...I really like it.

"Have faith and pursue the unknown end"

So here’s my advice to the rest of you: if you need reminding, call a good friend. If you need something to ponder; think about this quote. Start the pursuit, and don’t forget to enjoy every minute of the adventure!

Monday, January 02, 2006

The cottage

The cottage
Originally uploaded by Sala.
3 bedroom, I bathroom, and 1 toilet not in the bathroom but in the laundry room, yes its a bit crazy that's why its called the "cottage"

Me and my new man- Mark

Me and my new man- Mark
Originally uploaded by Sala.
1991 Toyota Mark ll

oh yah, its love

oh yah, its love
Originally uploaded by Sala.

Cristal getting drinks for Christmas dinner

I can cook it, but can I carve it?

I can cook it but can I carve it?
Originally uploaded by Sala.
oh yah a full turkey dinner, just for the 3 of us...

Karen ready for Christmas Eve Dinner

Karen ready for Christmas Eve Dinner
Originally uploaded by Sala.