I got the job. I’ll be working reception at Good Life Gym. Free gym membership, hot guys, and no responsibilities, sounds like the perfect job doesn’t it? I’m really only excited about the free membership perk and the fact that this unimportant job is going to be fun and easy. They wanted me to take a sales position and then move up through management (god knows why) But I turned them down and said I really only wanted reception where I could greet people and take it easy and the two managers that interviewed me were fine with it. I think they were just excited that I wasn’t 16 and I had a ton of experience, both work and life. They even gave me $1.00 raise before I even started. Tuesday is my start date - training day really, so after that I’ll have an idea of what I’ve really gotten myself into.
So this is my last weekend of freedom I’m sure, I'm hanging in TO and my flat mate from oz is coming up to visit. Then on Sunday I'm going to hit the Beaches Jazz festival with Ken and some friends. Last night I went to a charity art auction and then had drinks at the Drake hotel. The Drake is definitely a cool place, I didn’t see anyone famous but it was fun people watching anyway. This is going to be a weekend of Toronto fun, just the way I like it!