Friday, February 23, 2007

110 to 88

The Raptors won!!!!
It was such a fun game, I was clapping and yelling in all the right places and by the end of the game i think i understood what I was cheering for. But man there are a lot of destractions going on isnt there? Lights, music, dancers, and the raptor guy that dances (he was funny as long as he came no where near me!)
I think Im going to try and see if I can get more was too much fun not to go again.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Game Night!

Im going to my first Raptors Game tomorrow night, and Im so excited about it. Im going to get lots of beer and a big foam finger and our seats are soooo good they have to serve us the beer, serve us!!!
I'll let you know how it goes, and by the way yes i know who they are playing....the Pacers, they are from Seattle.....right? JOKING - I know they're from Minnesota silly.
Ha ha, got you, Im so good at this now (for those of you who dont know im actually joking its Indiana) Ill post pics when I can and I have to make sure I look good cause baby im going to make it on the big screen!!!

Monday, February 19, 2007

When does it stop?

Blog, emails, myspace and now facebook, let alone all the millions of other things Ive signed up for over the years. I thought that all of these things were suppose to make life easier, so why is it so much work to stay in contact? I can barely remember my pass-words to all of these things. Maybe someday when i get a full nights sleep ill figure it out. Job #2 is about to come to an end and Ill get a whole 6 hours of sleep before I start job #1 again tomorrow morning. Night, night zzzzzzzz

Wednesday, February 14, 2007


I had my first snow day today...except I didnt know I was getting the day off so I got up, showered and got ready for school before I found out all schools were canceled! So I put on my pj's and jumped right back into bed, watched tv for a while and relaxed. I could have really used the sleep in though.
Anyway the world looks as it should when you live in Canada, high snow drifts and lots of shoveling to be done....I cant wait for spring!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007


In kindergarten today the funniest thing happened. As many of you know kindergarten-ers say whatever they want to whomever they want (Parents be warned now!) So today Jaydon, a gorgeous little black boy, was sitting in the big comfy chair because it was his turn to read to the class and in the middle of his story he stops and tells everyone that sometimes he likes to wear his mommy's lipstick when he plays at home. Then he promptly goes back to reading his story about puppies. I almost burst out laughing and the other teachers cracked up at my reaction. I guess I just wasn't expecting a comment like that. Made for a great day, I'm still smiling from it.
Thought I'd share the fun.

Monday, February 12, 2007


I'm working so much right now all i can possibly think to tell you is...phew!
I'm so tired.
I'm working at the gym nights and weekends still, while i pull full days at Brookmead supply teaching. I'm so looking forward to March break, and that's a month away!
Something fun and exciting better come along to entertain me or I'm going to lose it!

Monday, February 05, 2007


I had an interview on Friday for an LTO (grade 5 until June)
Friday I was teaching in kindergarten and the principal came in at 3pm to ask if I could stay and chat after school. Of course I said yes! After about 5 minutes of chatting I figured out it was an official interview and I hadn't prepared anything!! My mind went totally blank of all teaching terms and phrases went flying out of my head at once and Im pretty sure I said everything wrong. It was like I had a running commentary in my head about how I was answering all my questions wrong and how none of it made sense. However, I know she likes me and Im pretty sure she is officially going to offer me the job because she gave me a bunch of resources to read through and get acquainted with.
Hopefully it all works out because this school is totally up my alley. It's actually a great school that is really into research and new teaching techniques. I'll let you know as soon as I know anything. Although because she has to contact my teachers in Oz and NZ it might be a while before I find out if I got it or not.
Cross your fingers for me!