Friday, November 24, 2006

5 in 40

I'm getting better at this running thing. Ive managed to shave 10 minutes off my time and I ran 5 km in only 40 mins. Much better than the hour it took me my first time - grin-
Ken's 30th Birthday is Saturday night. I cant believe the 30's are here. I don't think I'm ready for mine. I swear Ill have a melt down if I'm were I am now on my 30th....look out loony bin here I come!

Friday, November 17, 2006

Kingston, again.

Just spent the last day at the hospital again. Grams is doing great. She actually looks good, for as good as you can look lying in a hospital bed. But we played cards and she was spunky as ever yelling at Colleen and I about how she is sick and we should be nice to her! And people wonder where I get my spunk from...ha you don't know spunk until you meet an 88 year old who is determined to beat her grand kids at cards.
So we had her up and standing, she is sitting in a chair and no longer has tubes attached to her. So all in all, she is doing really well.
Mom is going to stay with her for the next week so Ill be off duty and able to relax now that I know she is back to normal.
Alright...I'm burnt out from the drive. Time to lay down with the sheep.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


So its been a busy and stressful few weeks. Grandma finally went in for surgery and after a very long couple of days she is in ICU and is off the wires and tubes and such.
I don't really want to talk too much about it all, its hard to see someone lying in a hospital with everything sticking out of them. Too much to deal with. But I wanted to let those of you who were worried know that Dorothy is on the mend and I'm hoping when i drive back to Kingston Thursday she'll be able to talk and be entertained by me again. Ill be happy when she's home and I don't have to do the drive with all the stress and worry of, well, of it all.
Ill write again soon, when I'm in more of a cheerful mood and I've actually been able to sleep a whole night straight through. I'm just happy I could be home for all this, for her.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Man, I didn't do anything fun for Halloween this year. Not one party or even going out. That's not like me at all! I love Halloween. I even dressed up at work and stood all night letting people into the gym looking like a freaking fairy!! Although I did look cute and lots of people said how great my costume of course it wasn't all bad *grin*

I ran another 5 km in only 50 minutes. I'm getting better at it too. I think ill go again tomorrow and see how i do. Its going to be a long one i bet and I'm going to die thinking i can do it.
Ah well at least it will give me something funny to write about.

Not too much else to tell. Still waiting for anything to happen. I hate this part of life...just waiting. Im thinking I should have gone back to Asia and made some money since nothing is happening right now. At least then i wouldn't be as broke as I am now.

ah life.
I guess i should just shut up and enjoy the free time.